- apical dominance
- бот. доминирование верхушки* * *• апикальное доминирование• доминирование верхушки
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
Apical dominance — In plant physiology, apical dominance is the phenomenon whereby the main central stem of the plant is dominant over (i.e., grows more strongly than) other side stems ; on a branch the main stem of the branch is further dominant over its own side… … Wikipedia
apical dominance — viršūnės vyravimas statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Vyravimo atvejis, kuriam reiškiantis viršūnė stelbia šoninių pumpurų augimą. atitikmenys: angl. apical dominance rus. апикальное доминирование; доминирование верхушки ryšiai:… … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
apical dominance — Dominance of the apical growing shoot which produces hormones and prevents offset or suckers from developing while it is still actively growing … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms
apical dominance — Growth inhibiting effect exerted by actively growing apical bud of higher plant shoots, preventing the growth of buds further down the shoot. Thought to be mediated by the basipetal movement of auxin from the apical bud … Dictionary of molecular biology
apical dominance — The phenomenon where growth of lateral (axillary) buds in a plant is inhibited by the presence of the terminal (apical) bud on the branch. Explained by the export of auxins from the apical bud … Glossary of Biotechnology
apical dominance — noun Date: 1947 inhibition of the growth of lateral buds by the terminal bud of a shoot … New Collegiate Dictionary
apical dominance — Bot. suppression of the development of lateral buds in a growing plant shoot, caused by hormones produced in the tip of the shoot. [1945 50] * * * … Universalium
apical dominance — noun : inhibition of the growth of lateral buds by the terminal bud of a shoot that is believed to be effected principally or at least in part by auxins produced by the terminal bud * * * Bot. suppression of the development of lateral buds in a… … Useful english dictionary
Apical — Apical, from the Latin apex (plural apices ) meaning to be at the apex or tip, may refer to:*Apical consonant, a consonant produced with the tip of the tongue *Apical dominance *Apical membrane, a cell biology term *Apical pulse, the heart rate… … Wikipedia
apicaldominance — apical dominance n. Inhibition of the growth of lateral buds by the terminal bud of a plant shoot. * * * … Universalium
Meristem — Tunica Corpus model of the apical meristem (growing tip). The epidermal (L1) and subepidermal (L2) layers form the outer layers called the tunica. The inner L3 layer is called the corpus. Cells in the L1 and L2 layers divide in a sideways fashion … Wikipedia